Working from home

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Expert Articles Learning Centre Working from home

Dislocation, Dislocation, Dislocation

Dislocation: A look at the impact of the coronavirus outbreak on our daily lives and our businesses

No, this is nothing to do with Phil and Kirstie, just a look at the impact of the coronavirus outbreak on our daily lives and our businesses. In particular, the impact that dislocation can have on our ability to rationalise the present and plan for the future.

Dislocation is defined as disturbance from a proper, original, or usual place or state. Suddenly, our sense of normality is ruptured and, in the midst of a global pandemic, we have the added stress of worrying about family, about ourselves and about our business livelihoods.

EasylifeIT™ Tips and Tricks Learning Centre Microsoft Teams Working from home

How Do I Use Background Effects in Microsoft Teams?

A little behind its competitor Zoom, Microsoft has enhanced personal privacy of video conferencing in Teams by introducing “b...

How do I convert the spare room TV into a monitor?
EasylifeIT™ Tips and Tricks Learning Centre Working from home

Convert the Spare Room TV into a Monitor

After working on a large screen at the office, going to a laptop screen can be a bit of a shock. It’s tolerable for a q...

Windows shortcuts
EasylifeIT™ Tips and Tricks Learning Centre Working from home

An Alternative to the Cumbersome Mouse Touchpad

Many of you will be working from home right now using laptops without a mouse, and the touchpad can leave something to be des...