Please be aware that a new infection technique is doing the rounds; targeting Google Chrome users. The “font wasn&rsquo...
Our monitoring systems indicate the Peterborough Core fibre network was down from 19:30 until around 01:30 overnight. The (no...
For those who are brand or legally conscious the appearance and content of your teams email signatures is of some importance. With so much communication these days via email from desktops, laptops and mobile devices, it is almost impossible to keep everyone’s presentation and standardised. Factor in a change of branding or a new promotion and it becomes a complete headache if you have any number of staff. If this is you; then you should perhaps consider CodeTwo’s excellent offering in this area.
What constitutes a good password and why it is important to have one?
Quite simply; your password is the key to your IT castle. The walls you carefully build around your business data are of little value if the front door lock is easily picked. The idea that passwords should be long and complex is one of IT industry’s sacred cows, and yet many users stubbornly stick to passwords such as 12345, Password1 or Jimmy1970; which often takes less time to crack than to type them. The question “So, what constitutes a good password?” is a common one.
Why are top managers often the targets of cyber criminals?
As top managers of SMEs, we expect and demand access to all data within our company. While we may consider restrictions upon our staff reasonable and sensible, these surely don’t apply to us? Of course, we need them; finance, operations, sales and marketing are the very pillars of our company, and we need access to every document and every record in every area.
Many tend to imagine that Cybersecurity is all about having an antivirus and a firewall. Whilst these are important...