What should be included in a business continuity plan? Unpalatable, but predictable In this article, we guide you through som...
After working on a large screen at the office, going to a laptop screen can be a bit of a shock. It’s tolerable for a q...
Many of you will be working from home right now using laptops without a mouse, and the touchpad can leave something to be des...
I’m unhappy with my IT support. What should I do?
In this article, I explain what to do if you outsource your IT support to a third party and things aren’t going as well as they should be.
I don’t know what to ask, let alone understand the answers!
I’ve got an admission to make – IT used to be my least favourite thing at work. It all started from the shock of being given responsibility for the IT function in a very large manufacturing plant. My politics degree hadn’t covered servers, firewalls and networks. I had managerial experience but felt very uncomfortable wearing my new hat. I didn’t know what questions to ask; I wouldn’t have understood the answers even if I did.
EasylifeIT™ appoints James Allison as Strategic IT Consultant From today, 3rd April, I have joined EasylifeIT™ in the new rol...
What is CEO fraud and what can we do to avoid it?
CEO fraud reputedly cost companies a whopping $1.1bn in 2018 and has been increasing steadily ever since. Impacting any size of company from micro to enterprise it is essential to understand how the scam works to protect your company and employees from it.
Firstly, what is it?
CEO fraud is when scammers impersonate a company executive making urgent and sometimes confidential requests of a member of staff within the company. Their motivation is usually financial, but we have seen rare instances where confidential data has been requested.
It’s amazing how quickly things evolve. Just 10 years ago, the remit of an SME’s IT partner was covered by a fairly narrow set of requirements. The primary job centred around keeping the IT running and repairing things when it went wrong; IT security was just beginning to emerge as a distinct speciality. In those halcyon days, an antivirus and half-decent firewall was considered enough to tick the “due diligence” box for IT security. How times have changed.
As of August 2018, EasylifeIT™ is recertified under the Cyber Essentials scheme; which will assure you that we as a supplier practice the IT security that we preach.
Cyber Essentials (CE) is a government-backed cyber security certification scheme that sets out a baseline of cyber security suitable for all organisations. The scheme’s five security controls can prevent “around 80% of cyber-attacks”. Developed as part of the UK’s National Cyber Security Programme and in close consultation with industry, it provides businesses with clarity on good cyber-security practice.
Data Protection Audit
“GDPR – thank goodness that is over! I got fed up with e-mails asking for my consent and inviting me to read privacy notices.”
Relief seems to have been a common reaction to the arrival of the UK’s third generation of data protection laws. After months of media attention and a good deal of confusion, everything seemingly went quiet.
You could be forgiven for thinking the storm had passed. Time to start the clean-up operation and cleanse the inbox of all those GDPR related messages from May you never opened. It all blew over and nothing really happened. It was just like the Millennium Bug. Not quite…
Lindsey leads the way for women in technology
Friday night saw the inaugural Women Leaders Peterborough Awards; a night recognising the many talented and inspirational women leaders that Peterborough as a city boasts.
At the glamourous ceremony, hosted by the Peterborough Arena, 400 guests enjoyed a great night and celebrated the success of Peterborough’s inspirational Women Leaders, across many sectors with 15 winners.