EasylifeIT Director

To employ or not to employ? Factors to consider when looking for IT support
EasylifeIT Director Learning Centre Strategy and policy

To Employ or Not To Employ? Factors to Consider When Looking for IT Support

To employ or not to employ? Factors to consider when looking for IT support The first thing to disclose is that EasylifeIT ...

What should be included in a business continuity plan?
EasylifeIT Director Learning Centre Strategy and policy

What Should Be Included in a Business Continuity Plan?

What should be included in a business continuity plan?


Unpalatable, but predictable

You’ll be glad to know this isn’t another Coronavirus article. Businesses have been faced with severe threats to their survival long before anyone had heard of COVID-19 – floods, fires and other localised disruptions are not new. Pandemics do remind us however that unpalatable events can and will happen.

COVID-19 is unusual in recent history because its consequences for business have been so severe and so widely felt. And it brings into sharp focus the relationship between likelihood and impact. Once in a lifetime events are, by definition, very rare. But when they do strike the pain can be relatively high. We may be less able, or perhaps less willing (sometimes with justifiable good reason), to prepare. And – yes – let’s be honest – that justification may be that reducing the risk is prohibitively expensive and we decide therefore that it is a risk worth taking.